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garden space
3 Tips to Maximize Harvests & Simplify Your Garden Routine

3 Tips to Maximize Harvests & Simplify Your Garden Routine

If your garden ever feels chaotic or overwhelming, youโ€™re not alone. Between planting, managing pests, and trying to stay on top of every season's needs, it can easily get out of control. The key to smooth gardening is a solid plan. Imagine knowing exactly what to...

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One Crop Rotation Rule to Prevent Diseases in Your Garden

One Crop Rotation Rule to Prevent Diseases in Your Garden

Plan your plants to prevent disease in your garden! When youโ€™re thinking about what to plant where this year, you should be thinking bigger pictureโ€”what crop rotations each year will help you prevent the kinds of diseases that wipe out all your hard work and your...

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Garden Apps Sabotage Your Abundance

Garden Apps Sabotage Your Abundance

To create a successful crop plan, the first thing you need to know is that there are as many ways to crop plan as there are stars in our Universe. But garden apps often don't allow for changing the spacing of plants. Additionally, crop plans need to be tailored to...

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Vegetable & Herb Gardening in Different Growing Climates

Vegetable & Herb Gardening in Different Growing Climates

Getting to know your local growing climate is one of the first steps to growing a thriving vegetable garden. But thereโ€™s a big difference between learning about your climate and feeling limited by your climate. Your growing climate matters. It determines what veggie...

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Why Water Retention is Important for Our Vegetable Gardening

Why Water Retention is Important for Our Vegetable Gardening

Water is the life support system of this earth. It's what makes everything possible. Watch the video below and learn why it is important to us and future generations of vegetable gardeners.The Earthโ€™s surface is 75% water, similar to our bodies. Some of our organs,...

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How to Measure How Much Sunlight Your Garden Space Gets

How to Measure How Much Sunlight Your Garden Space Gets

Watch the video below and learn how to observe key temperatures in your area and map the sunlight and shadows in your garden space for success! All plants have ideal growing temperatures. Outside those optimum temperature ranges, plants become less productive, and...

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Productivity Tips on How to Lay Out a Garden

Productivity Tips on How to Lay Out a Garden

Jason MatyasSeeds for GenerationsJason is a 2022 Superfood Garden Summit presenter. "Starting Seeds & Caring for Seedlings"Jason Matyas is a husband, father of seven, homesteader, lifelong gardener, 20-year Air Force veteran with 9 worldwide deployments including...

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