The 8th Annual Superfood Garden summit was a huge success! With thousands of growers all over the world joining in, this was our most popular summit to date. For those of you who weren’t able to join, we made a post last week sharing some of our favorite highlights and this week is part two! So here are some more of our favorite Superfood Garden Summit highlights and insights from the garden and herbal experts who joined us this year.

Yes Summiteers, the summit is over but, you can still get the special pricing if you want to own the summit and get the extra goodies.

Superfood Garden Summit Success Kit

The Cycle of Life: Soil as an Ecosystem’s Foundation

Matt Powers brought to the summit an essential reminder of the soil’s role in life cycles. By understanding and respecting this cycle, you can nurture a garden that’s both productive and sustainable. Start seeing soil as the foundation of all ecosystems – because it truly is.

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Superfood Garden Summit Highlights Matt Powers - Regenerative - Bullet Points - EVENT

Backyard Fruit and the Rhubarb Revelation

Michael Kilpatrick debunked a common rhubarb myth, teaching us that only certain plant parts are safe to eat. Use his insights to confidently add fruit trees and rhubarb to your garden, ensuring a bountiful and safe harvest.

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Superfood Garden Summit Highlights Michael Kilpatrick - Backyard Fruit Gardening- Bullet Points - EVENT

Growing Greens and Berries in Small Spaces

CEO of Food Revolution Network Ocean Robbins reassured new growers that even small spaces can yield abundant superfoods. His presentation on the potential of greens and berries will inspire you to maximize your garden’s productivity, regardless of size. To Your Health!

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Superfood Garden Summit Highlights Ocean Robbins - Supercharging Your Health with Berries and Greens - Bullet Points - EVENT

The Herbalism Deep Dive with Sajah Popham

Sajah Popham reveals the importance of sourcing quality seeds for a home garden of immunity from reputable providers. One of his favorites (and ours), is Strictly Medicinals.

Sajah’s session was a treasure trove of herbal wisdom. From cultivation to preparation, he covered essential techniques for a robust home apothecary. Take his advice on sourcing quality seeds, and embark on a journey to garden-grown immunity.

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Soil Jar Test Example Image

Seed Saving: An Act of Preservation

Bill McDorman’s conversation with Greg Peterson highlighted an inspiring fact: you, as a small-scale gardener, are a crucial guardian of plant genetic diversity. Your role extends beyond your backyard – you’re helping to secure food diversity for future generations.

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Soil Jar Test Example Image

Explore Bioenergetics in Gardening

Stacey Murphy introduced the concept of bioenergetics, expanding your perception of natural interactions in the garden. Humans perceive only a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, indicating vast unknowns in the natural world. Recognize that there’s more to your green space than meets the eye, and start exploring these dynamic energies.

Did You Miss the Summit? Own It Here

Superfood Garden Summit Highlights Stacey Murphy - The Experimental Gardener - DIY Bioenergetics and Electroculture - Bullet Points - EVENT

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, the Superfood Garden Summit has something for everyone. Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your gardening experience and enhance the health of your garden, your loved ones, and yourself.

Thrilled with these Superfood Garden Summit highlights and insights but missed the live event? You can still grab the summit here and OWN IT FOR LIFE, soak up every presentation, and join a community passionate about superfood gardening. This is your chance to grow your knowledge and your garden!


Superfood Garden Summit Success Kit