Home Gardener’s


No. 69

29, 2024


Ultimate Vegan Masterclass

Our friends at VegHealth are on a mission to cut through all the misinformation and confusion surrounding a plant-based life to ensure that you have ALL the answers you need to KNOW about what’s best to grow for your health in order to THRIVE as a healthy, happy vegetarian or vegan.

VegHealth has gathered together leading experts in gardening, plant-based living, and nutritional medicine for a 12-part Masterclass entitled the Ultimate Vegan Masterclass. These experts include Grow Your Own Vegetables’ Master Garden Instructor Stacey Murphy, who will be sharing tips as well as compelling reasons for growing your own food.

You are invited by VegHealth to receive an all-access pass to the masterclass, which streams April 2nd – 4th. In addition, when you register, you receive $199 in additional digital resources useful for living and thriving as a vegetarian or vegan. Click the button to learn more and get your FREE pass today!


🌱 The Microgreens Micro Course! 🌱

For many growers, space is an issue. That’s why growing microgreens has become so popular in recent years. Microgreens take up little space and can be grown almost anywhere—inside or out—and pack a lot of flavor!

We want to get you started growing these delicious fresh greens right at home with our Microgreens Micro Course.

Inside this course, you learn:

🌱 How to grow microgreen year-round in a small space—indoors or out
🌱 Where to buy high-quality organic seeds at an affordable price
🌱 How to germinate in order to keep your microgreens strong and healthy
🌱 How to water your microgreens effectively and efficiently
🌱 How to deal with the most common problems that may arise
🌱 How to harvest your microgreens for prolonged shelf life
🌱 How to store your microgreens safely

Plus worksheets and templates to help you along your journey.

For a limited time, learn the in’s and out’s of growing microgreens with the Microgreens Micro Course at a special $50 savings!

Growing microgreens can improve your overall well-being by living a happy, healthy, green lifestyle. Get started on your microgreens gardening adventure today by clicking the button to learn more!

MGMC Sales Graphic

Benefits of Microgreens and Ways to Enjoy Them

Image of Microgreens with the blog title "Benefits of Microgreens and Ways to Enjoy Them"

Learn some of the many benefits of microgreens in this week’s featured blog article Benefits of Microgreens and Ways to Enjoy Them. Their unique favors and texture varieties make them a great additive to many dishes. Read the full blog article to discover some suggested uses for these tasty, easy-to-grow, nutritious greens.

Sneak Peek into the Microgreens Micro Course!

Not sure if growing microgreens is for you? Check out this free sneak peek into the Microgreens Micro Course to learn more about the course.

SNeak Peek Video Image
Bee Planting Lettuce

Weekly Garden Tip

When you work in your soil, you do not want your soil to be wet. Working in wet soil damages the soil structure, which impacts your crop production.

Free Resource

 Are you ready to start growing your own fresh microgreens?

There are hundreds of different microgreens that you can grow, but you want to start with some of the easiest—and tastiest—so that you can learn all the in’s and out’s before moving on to harder varieties.

The 6 Easy-To-Grow Microgreens Anyone Can Grow eGuide is the perfect resource to get you started on the path of delicious microgreens. Inside the eGuide, you get tips for growing six fresh healthy microgreens that can be grown year-round.

Growing your own microgreens is safe, easy, and cost-effective. Microgreens may be micro in size, but they are major in taste. They can be added to every meal—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—which you will find recipes for in the 6 Easy-To-Grow Microgreens Anyone Can Grow eGuide.

Microgreens Download 3D Image

Product Feature: Microgreen Trays

An integral supply needed to grow fresh microgreens is good quality trays. Our friends at Bootstrap Farmer sell top-quality, heavy-duty, USA-made shallow 5×5 trays that are ideal for small batch microgreens. These trays are made of BPA-free and FDA-grade polypropylene plastic and come in a variety of bright fun colors. You can get them with or without drainage holes, depending on your needs.

Bootstrap Farmer is so sure of the quality of these durable microgreen trays that they are backed by a 2-year warranty against chipping or cracking. Get yours today and start growing your own fresh microgreens right at home!

Dear Arti Image

Dear Arti:

Question: Do I lay cardboard down first and then cut out holes for the plants? I’m putting cardboard down to keep weeds low and to keep cats out, though I’m putting rocks on top of the cardboard. – Karen

Answer: Hi, Karen!

If you’re using cardboard as a weed and cat barrier, you can lay the cardboard down first and then cut holes wherever you want to plant. However, a couple notes:

1. Cardboard breaks down pretty quickly. So, the rains will most likely break the cardboard down mid-season, depending on your climate.

2. Cardboard (and other weed barriers) can—depending on how you use the material—deprive the soil of adequate water and gasses necessary for a healthy soil. Be careful what materials you use as a weed barrier. If you suffocate the soil and kill off the beneficial organisms, you’ll end up with unhealthy plants that are more susceptible to pests and diseases than they would have been had you left the soil uncovered.

An alternative to weed barriers is to plant a ground cover or scuff the top few inches of soil with a hoe. That not only helps you keep the weeds out (pulling them up as you hoe), it also pulls pest eggs and larvae to the surface of the soil, exposing them to the harsh environment of the surface and killing them before they become a huge problem.


🏡 In the GYOV Garden

GYOV Team Member Michelle Badger has created this Bee Bath for her yard. Bees are beneficial to the productivity of your garden, and a great way to attract these fuzzy insects is to give them a place to collect water.

To create your own Bee Bath, select a shallow dish that is water safe such as glass or ceramic. Place the dish in a shady location on top of an overturned pot or in a hanging container or holder. Add a few river stones into the dish and add just enough water to reach the top of the stones but do not submerge them. Change the water daily and clean the Bee Bath weekly.

Your striped buzzing friends will thank you! 🐝


Garden Events for You!

Food for Health Masterclass

Food For Health

WHO: Food Revolution Network

WHEN: Happening Now

WHAT: The Food for Health Masterclass was created to spread the word about the best foods to prevent disease.

In this masterclass, you learn ten ways to:

💚 Outsmart disease
💚 Increase energy
💚 Lose any excess weight
💚 Boost your odds of living a long healthy life

In a world where toxic food is all around us and it is easy to be confused, the Food for Health Workshop helps you end your healthy eating struggles for good and take control of your health.

Elderberry WOrkshop

Elderberry Workshop Series

WHO: Growing Farmers

WHEN: Happening Now

WHAT: The Elderberry Workshop Series unlocks the secrets of growing, selling, and profiting from elderberries with the guidance of experts.

The 6-part online workshop teaches:

🫐 How products are made from all parts of the elderberry—flower, stems, leaves, and berries
🫐 How to easily setup your elderberry plants
🫐 What varieties are the top-yielding
🫐 How to launch your elderberry journey with a minimal investment

With the Elderberry Workshop Series, learn from industry experts how to cultivate and profit from this powerful plant known as “nature’s medicine chest.”

Harvest Club Logo


The 2024 Harvest Today 2nd Quarterly Newsletter will be released on Monday, April 1st, and it is all about fruit trees! 🍋

Here are a few things that you learn in this quarter’s newsletter:

🧡 Great compact and dwarf varieties for small backyard and balcony gardens
🧡 6 tips to growing fruit trees for maximum success
🧡 Pruning basics to know which branches to prune and which to keep
🧡 Basics of fruit tree pollination

Not a member of our garden membership Harvest Club? You can get a one-time complimentary two month membership with any of our courses. Harvest Club has tons of resources to help you thrive. Plus, you get access to ongoing garden support through email. Learn more here.

👩🏽‍🌾 Download: Tasty Recipe Guide!

Coloring Book

Looking for some tasty recipes to use when preserving your harvests?

Check out our FREE Tasty Recipes for Preserving Your Harvest eGuide. Find the recipes that you love and make sure to plant plenty of the ingredients you need for harvesting and preserving!

🎉 Just for Fun!

Cartoon: "Time to plant my garden....or as the local bunnies call it, the 'all-you-can-eat-buffet'."

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