Home Gardener’s


No. 59

19, 2024

Free Resource: 9 Superfoods for Super Immunity

Free Resource:

👏🏻 9 Superfoods for Super Immunity

You already know that fresh foods are healthy, right? That’s why you garden!

You also are most likely aware that certain foods are better than others, especially when targeting specific health concerns, right? But are you aware of which are best for what?

This week’s free resource—9 Superfoods for Super Immunity—was written by Kim Murphy, the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen and a certified Plant-Based Health Coach. It specifically discusses the best superfoods to target inflammatory and improve your immune response so that you minimize your sick days. It’s a must have to have your bookshelf and understanding what foods can help you the most!

Free Resource: 9 Superfoods for Super Immunity

👩🏽‍🌾 Winter Gardening Course! 👩🏽‍🌾

Winter Gardening Course

Much of North America experienced another wave of cold temperatures, snow, and ice this past week. Brrrr! Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to grow your own fresh and delicious food throughout these cold winter months? ☃️

You can—and we want to show you how!

Our Winter Gardening Course helps you love gardening in a whole new way. We show you all the tricks that you need to keep your plants happy and healthy throughout the winter…indoors and outdoors!

And this course is not just for beginners. It’s for everyone! This course teaches you how to enjoy your favorite FRESH vegetables and herbs all year long.

You’ll get everything you need to succeed, including step-by-step video instructions that you can watch when it is most convenient for you. In as little as 5 days, you’ll be eating delicious salad greens—even if there’s snow on the ground!

Whether your winter is right now or six months from now, the Winter Gardening Course provides you with the steps to have fresh vegetables all winter long, meaning a winter of boosting your immunity by continuing to eat fresh healthy foods.

And we saved the best news for last—it’s on special for $67!

The other great news is that this course is backed by our 30-day Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you find this course is not a good fit for you, email us and request a refund—no questions asked.

So don’t let a little bit of cold hold you back from a year-round green lifestyle. Register for the Winter Gardening Course today!


Weekly Garden Tip

Nature is incredibly powerful. The smallest drips of water can create canyons, a flea can catapult themselves up to 100 times their body length, and dandelions can root themselves…well, anywhere! But when it comes to solving human problems with nature, we often think nature can’t help us.

Your weekly tip is to try thinking like Dr. Charles Campbell. Dr. Campbell used bats to eradicate malaria in a town where 89% of the population was infected. When you have a nature challenge, employ nature to overcome it.

What You Can Learn From Touching Your Soil

Did you know that there is a lot you can learn just from touching your soil? The more you know about and understand your soil, the more successful and abundant your garden will be. This week’s highlighted video explains how you can use your senses—touch, sight, sound, and smell—to understand more about your soil texture.

YouTube video player
Soil Jar TEst

🙋‍♀️ BLOG 🙋‍♀️
The Soil Jar Test

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting your garden journey, understanding your soil’s texture is an important and necessary step towards successful growing. This week’s blog article explains how to determine your soil texture using an easy DIY method—the Soil Jar Test!

GYOV Tumbler

GYOV’s Harvest Club Garden Superhero, Crystal Meserole, shown here enjoying her hot drink during freezing temps in North Carolina!

🛍 Product Feature: GYOV Garden Tumblers

Want a great way to show your love of gardening and keep your drinks cold or hot? Check out our very own Grow Your Own Vegetables Garden Tumbler Collection in our online shop. These 20 oz stainless steel vacuum-insulated travel tumblers feature various garden puns and either one of our new vegetable characters or a watercolor vegetable painting by GYOV CEO Denise Beins.

Select your favorite garden pun from:

💚 Mint to be a Gardener
💚 Turnip the Beet
💚 Nothing Beets Gardening
💚 Eat, Drink, and Be Rosemary
💚 Gourd Vibes Only
💚 Find Your Inner Peas
💚 Gardeners are a Big Dill
💚 I Love You from My Head To-ma-toes

Add one of these cute Garden Tumblers to your collection today because you can never have another travel tumblers, right? 😉

Dear Arti Image

Dear Arti,

Question: My soil doesn’t seem to dry ever. I’m assuming it’s clay, though I don’t remember my soil having that much clay. I did add a little bit of topsoil or garden soil with the dirt that was ready in the ground. The stuff grows in it but not that well. I was just wondering what I could do? Last year was the first year with that garden bed in the ground. – Jade G.

Answer: Hi, Jade! That’s a great question. So glad you reached out!

Based on your question, there may be a couple of things happening. The first is that your soil may indeed have more clay than you thought, but it might be deeper down than you can see. A good place to start is to first do a Soil Jar Test to see how much clay, sand, silt, and organic matter you have. Check out this week’s blog on the Soil Jar Test we created to help you.

It’s also possible that you have what’s called a “textural interface.” A textural interface is where two distinct layers of soil types exist. Because water percolates at different rates through different soil textures, water can back up where soils with different textures meet. This often happens in new gardens because the soil just isn’t uniform enough or the uniformity isn’t deep enough.

Whether you have a textural interface or your soil has too much clay or both, adding organic matter into your soil can help. The fastest way to do this is to add more organic matter and work it deeper into the soil. Depending on how deep you need to go will depend on what strategy you use. You can use the Double Dig Method, if you need to get deep into the soil. You can also gently work the added organic matter in, if you don’t need to go quite as deep. While these methods are faster, they take a lot of manual labor.

Alternatively, you can use cover crops to do the work for you. To get deep into the soil, try a cover crop of sunflowers or other cover crop plant variety that has a tap root. At flowering time, chop the plants up all the way down to the base. Leave the roots in the ground to decompose and leave the top parts of the plant on the top of the soil, gently working it into the top 6″ of soil or so.

For more information on increasing your soil health and drainage, I recommend registering for the Joyful Gardener Docuseries. It’s a totally FREE online event happening February 20-27, 2024. It’s a comprehensive 8 video series on starting a garden. If you’re interested, you can register here.

I hope that helps, Jade! 

🏡 In the GYOV Yarden

Frozen Garden

Denise Beins, GYOV CEO and Lifestyle Gardener, is enjoying the beauty of winter while also grateful that the sub-freezing temperatures will reduce the aphids, squash bugs, and other pests during her next growing season.

Frozen Garden Bird Feed

Garden Events for You!

Free 5 Day Plant-Based Challenge

Simply Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp

WHO: Kim Murphy

WHEN: January 29 – February 2, 2024

WHAT: The Simply Plant Based Beginner’s Bootcamp is a great way to get started with a plant-based diet, and it’s being offered for absolutely FREE!

The 5-day Bootcamp Challenge includes:

🌿 Daily LIVE Masterclass to learn how a plant-based diet helps you to improve your health and even lose weight
🌿 Daily LIVE Cooking Demo to learn how quick and easy it is to cook healthy plant-based meals
🌿 5 Cooking Demo Recipes, which are simple and made with easy to find or grow ingredients in 30 minutes or less
🌿 Complimentary Challenge Workbook to take notes and help you to remember all the great info
🌿 Access to the private Facebook group to speak with others considering a plant-based diet

This bootcamp offers so many great tips for saving time, saving money, and making a plant-based diet simple and doable for almost anyone!

The Joyful Gardener Event

Joyful Gardener Docuseries

WHO: Grow Your Own Vegetables

WHEN: February 20-27, 2024 !

WHAT: The Joyful Gardener Docuseries was created because there has never been a more important time than NOW to focus on what makes you happy.
The last few years, the population has experienced a rise in stress levels. You cannot always control what goes on in the world around you, but you can choose to experience as much inner peace as possible.

Simple, daily habits can result in more JOY everyday…and this includes gardening!

Gardening provides dozens of health benefits such as:

💚 Reducing stress levels
💚 Enjoying healthy delicious foods
💚 Preventing chronic disease
💚 Feeling better overall physically and mentally
💚 And of course, experiencing JOY!

Gardening doesn’t have to be difficult. During this upcoming FREE event, discover the secrets to a successful garden, the multiple benefits, and most importantly, the JOY of gardening!

Harvest Club Logo


This week in Harvest Club, be sure to download your copy of the new Artichoke Growing Guide. While artichokes take a lot of space, if you’re an artichoke lover, this guide can help you achieve an abundant artichoke harvest! Discover how to plant, nurture, harvest, and store your artichokes. Plus, all our growing guides come with a garden fresh recipe. 😋

Not a member of our garden membership Harvest Club? You can get a one-time complimentary two month membership with any of our courses. Harvest Club has tons of resources to help you thrive. Plus, you get access to ongoing garden support through email. Learn more here.

On a lighter note…

Cartoon / Joke: "What do you call birds in the winter? Brrrrrrrrrrrr-ds"

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This page may contain affiliate links. If you click and take action, Grow Your Own Vegetables LLC may be compensated. We only recommend events and products that we love and that we know can be helpful to you as a gardener.