Home Gardener’s
No. 55
22, 2023
This Week’s Feature:
❄️ Fantastical Winter Garden Course! ❄️
Eating well and boosting your immunity is a year-round lifestyle, and it doesn’t have to stop just because it’s cold outside or snow is on the ground. Discover the secrets of having successful indoor and outdoor winter gardens.
Master what makes winter gardens unique:
❄️ Warm your heart and soul with homegrown fresh food in the cold.
🌱 Combat seasonal depression with more light in your life.
⛄️ Set your family up for a lifetime of healthy habits.
❄️ Enjoy fresh salads, fresh toppings for soups, and delicious smoothies.
🌱 Quickly build your confidence—even if you think you have a brown thumb.
⛄️ Take advantage of hundreds of new flavors with fantastic winter greens.
❄️ Avoid the overwhelm with easy step-by-step instructions.
🌱 Enjoy the wonder of nature, growing beyond what you imagined.
If you want to enjoy fresh food during the cooler months, this course dives into what you will need to get started!
Eating well and boosting your immunity is a year-round lifestyle, and it doesn’t have to stop just because it’s cold outside or snow is on the ground. Discover the secrets of having successful indoor and outdoor winter gardens.
Master what makes winter gardens unique:
❄️ Warm your heart and soul with homegrown fresh food in the cold.
🌱 Combat seasonal depression with more light in your life.
⛄️ Set your family up for a lifetime of healthy habits.
❄️ Enjoy fresh salads, fresh toppings for soups, and delicious smoothies.
🌱 Quickly build your confidence—even if you think you have a brown thumb.
⛄️ Take advantage of hundreds of new flavors with fantastic winter greens.
❄️ Avoid the overwhelm with easy step-by-step instructions.
🌱 Enjoy the wonder of nature, growing beyond what you imagined.
If you want to enjoy fresh food during the cooler months, this course dives into what you will need to get started!

This week, check out the ninth video in our series of Habits of a Green Thumb Grower. The ninth habit is about “It’s Good Enough.” Watch to find out why! We believe that anyone can learn to have a green thumb with the right mindset and habits.
Weekly Garden Tip
If the heads of your Brussels sprouts start forming before the weather is cool enough, you may find the sprouts won’t fully develop. If this is the case, you can cool your Brussels sprouts with shade cloth and mulch. If your summers are very hot, consider choosing a faster maturing variety or planting later instead.

🏡 In the GYOV Yarden
This week, GYOV Editor Michelle Badger shares a picture of her Wandering Dude plant. When she moved six months ago, the plant was about an eighth this size, but it was in a tiny pot and root-bound. She transplanted it to a super big pot and then basically left it alone outside on her deck except to water occasionally. Look how much it has grown!
She had to carefully put it on a small dolly to bring it in the house for the winter, where it is still flourishing. It has produced several “offspring” that have been transplanted to other pots around her house.

What's Happening in Harvest Club
This week’s newly indexed resources cover composting, container gardening, hydroponic and indoor gardening, water, and crop planning. These MAIN resources are some of the most important resources you can use to get a thriving garden.
Not a member of our garden membership Harvest Club? You can get a one-time complimentary two month membership with any of our courses. Harvest Club has tons of resources to help you thrive. Plus, you get access to ongoing garden support through email. Learn more here.

❄️ BLOG:
How to Get Fresh Food from
Your Garden in Winter
Are you missing your fresh garden produce during the winter months? The chillier weather doesn’t have to mean no more homegrown, nutrient-rich food. In fact, with the right knowledge and planning, you can cultivate a flourishing winter garden that yields a bounty throughout the colder season. But before you dive into the world of winter gardening, there’s a crucial factor to consider: the Persephone Period. Curious about how this term relates to your winter harvest? Let’s explore how understanding and working around this period can ensure a continuous supply of fresh produce even when the days are shorter and colder.

Dear Arti,
Question: What is the best way to handle powdery mildew on cucumber and zucchini. – Jan A.
Answer: Hi Jan, thanks for asking! So many people have powdery mildew problems so I’m glad you asked! Interestingly enough, as long as I’ve been helping people grow gardens and solve their garden challenges, the most basic remedy for powdery mildew is also reported as the most effective. It’s also the least expensive. Woohoo! 🎉
The remedy most widely reported as successful is the milk remedy. Numerous studies also show milk and/or whey to be even more effective at killing powdery mildew than chemical fungicides. Scientists speculate that the proteins in milk offer an antiseptic-like effect when exposed to sunlight.
Recipe: Mix 1 part milk to two parts water and spray infected areas on sunny days. Rubbing the milk mixture on the leaves can help dissolve the powdery mildew.
🥕 Carrot Ginger Soup! 🥕
In an Instant Pot, combine the following ingredients (this can also be cooked in a crock pot or on a stove top):
✔️ Vegetable broth – 3 cups
✔️ Yellow onion – 1 large (peel and cut into 8 wedges)
✔️ Garlic cloves – 3 cloves (peel and slice or smash)
✔️ Fresh ginger – 2 Tablespoons (peel and finely grate)
✔️ Fresh carrots – 1 pound (peel and cut into thirds)
✔️ Potato – 1 large (peel and cut into quarters)
Select the ‘Soup/Broth’ option and cook for 8 minutes then let it naturally release. Blend with an immersion blender or using a blender.
In the pot, add the following ingredients and stir well:
✔️ Coconut milk – 1 cup
✔️ Rice vinegar – 2.5 Tablespoons (alternative: lemon or lime juice of same quantity)
✔️ Braggs Amino Acid or Soy Sauce – 2.5 Tablespoons
✔️ Salt to taste (at least 1 teaspoon)
Optional garnish: Top with plain greek yogurt and chopped fresh chives.
Serves 6.
On a lighter note…
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