Home Gardener’s


No. 49

10, 2023

Bee Planting Lettuce

Weekly Garden Tip

Growing Garlic: Hardneck varieties are only grown in colder climates. They need cold to properly form bulbs. Once you plant them in fall, you want them to be at least 4” before the first frost. You won’t water them all winter! 😲

When the hard frosts of winter are over, you’ll start watering your garlic again. Some people mulch their garlic beds, and some don’t. It depends on how cold your winters are. If you live in a warmer climate, you’ll grow softneck garlic instead.

Planting garlic bulbs

This week’s highlighted video covers the third habit in the Habits of a Green Thumb Grower. The third habit is Routine, which allows you to find more creativity and productivity. We believe that anyone can learn to have a green thumb with the right mindset and habits.

✅ Free Resource: Natural Remedies for Gut Health

If your gut is a mess today, chances are that other parts of your health are suffering, too. In addition, when you don’t feel well, you don’t feel like gardening. And we don’t want that!

Having difficulties removing toxins from your body, getting sick more frequently, and experiencing impaired digestion—all these conditions are rooted in your gut health.

This guidebook that will help you improve your microbiome health naturally includes:

✅ A complete list of gut-damaging habits that are ingrained in our daily life
✅ 8 simple remedies that can restore your microbiome
✅ 5 delicious recipes to put theory into easy practice
✅ And much more!

Want to improve your gut for better overall health? This guidebook is the best place to start.

The Best Natural Remedies for Gut Health Guidebook

Fun is Better than Perfect!

Our recent newsletters have contained a lot of info about planning that we hope you have found useful as we look forward into the new year…only about seven more weeks left in 2023. 🤯 We want to make sure, though, that you are also keeping your gardening fun. Yes, gardens are a great resource of nutritious food, and that is very important. However, they are also—or should be—a source of fun, relaxation, and peace!

To ensure that this part of gardening is not left behind, we are reducing our price for our Garden Freedom Series Micro Course to only $37 for a limited time (normally $77).

Inside this course, you’ll learn…

🌱 Our garden mantra—FUN is better than PERFECT!
🌱 Your garden superpower and what kind of garden will work best for you
🌱 The “why” behind your choice to garden
🌱 Goal celebration—even if you’re not sure how to get there yet
🌱 Garden routines that fit into your lifestyle and make you FEEL GREAT
🌱 Easy ways to keep your garden a priority
🌱 Bonus content and two months of Harvest Club FREE

Find out how to make gardening everything you need and want it to be with our Garden Freedom Series Micro Course.

Thrive Garden Freedom Series icon
Harvest Club Logo

What's Happening in Harvest Club

This month’s LIVE Q&A Garden Jam is Monday, Nov. 13th 4-5:30 Pacific / 7-8:30 Eastern. LIVE Q&A with your garden guide Crystal and a Garden Jam presentation by Grow Your Own Vegetables Master Instructor Stacey Murphy on Spirit Gardening.


Not a member of our garden membership Harvest Club? You can get a one-time complimentary two month membership with any of our courses. Harvest Club has tons of resources to help you thrive. Plus, you get access to ongoing garden support through email. Learn more here.
Lady happily in her garden picking tomatoes.

Make Gardening a Lifestyle, Not a Chore

If you are not finding the peace that you hoped for in your garden, it may be time to step back and take a fresh look at it. When you feel good about what you are doing, the habit is more likely to stick with you. This week’s blog article offers some insight into how to make your garden part of your normal lifestyle that you enjoy and not feel like a dreaded “I have to do this” chore.

Dear Arti Image

Dear Arti,

Question: How do I organically get rid of bindweed in and outside my garden? – Rae

Answer: Hi Rae, so glad you reached out! For those of you who might not be familiar, bind weed is a member of the Convolvulaceae family, the same family as morning glories. These plants can be really hard to eliminate from your garden area because these plants spread rhizomatically.

Managing bindweed is a manual, two-step process. First, pluck out all the plants, removing as much of the underground parts as you can. Then, once a week, scuff up the top two inches of soil. Scuffing the soil is the process of taking a hoe (I like a collinear hoe myself) and roughing up the top few inches of soil.

While this won’t stop the rhizomes from trying to grow, it will prevent them from getting photosynthesis from leaves. Eventually, the rhizomes will die off. This process can take many seasons, but the good news is that scuffing the top few inches of your garden soil won’t just help keep your bindweed at bay. It can also help reduce pests and disease in your garden.

Fall time brings the changing of leaves, which also means raking leaves and using them to enhance soil and garden beds.

To utilize leaves in the garden, GYOV CEO and Lifestyle Gardener Denise Beins does a thin layer of leaves in some of the beds to help enhance the soil over the winter, but where she wants weed suppression, she does a thicker layer of 2 – 3 inches.

She also uses leaves by adding them as a “brown” layer to compost bins as well as using them to mulch around plants or on top of her recently-planted garlic to help protect them from cold temperatures.

GYOV Gardens showing three pictures: first of beautiful yellow fall leaves, second example of using leaves as mulch, and third, example of using leaves as mulch

On a lighter note…

Cartoon where man is deciding between therapy or growing vegetables and decides that "Gardening is cheaper than therapy and I'll have lots of great vegetables to eat"

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