Welcome to the Fantastical Winter Garden Adventure
Day 1: Discover what Mary Poppins can teach you about gardening.
Discover 5 ways to not kill your winter garden before you get started:
- How preparing an indoor garden differs from an outdoor one (it can be a lot easier in some ways).
- Why 80% of your gardening success comes from the work you put in now.
- The top 5 activities that can kill your fantastical garden before you even start.
- What Thomas Edison can teach you about having a thriving indoor garden.
- A 5-minute visualization exercise to help you grow the garden of your dreams.
Day 2: Discover what Elsa from Frozen can teach you about gardening.
Discover 5 things about water:
- How to use water to properly rinse and prepare your seeds for sprouting.
- What to do if your tap water is hard, soft, or anything in between.
- The water breakthrough from a Japanese scientist that changes how you grow food forever.
- One thing no one tells you about water that could kill your plants.
- What “what-ifs” are important to watering your garden, and what “what-ifs” are just paper tigers.
Day 3: Discover what Harry Potter can teach you about gardening.
Discover 5 things about the Magical World of your Garden’s Micoorganisms…
- How to charm the good microorganisms in your garden
- Why you should keep the baby wizards in your house away from your sprouts
- Why some roots are confused for mold and how to tell the difference
- What bacteria and fungi are in the service of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
- The 5 “good” magical micro-heroes in your garden and their special magic.
Day 4: Discover what The Grinch can teach you about gardening.
In this replay you will discover:
- The one thing that matters MORE than your harvest.
- How to use your workbook to make your next sprouts even tastier.
- A fun, delicious recipe for lentils ( the best pairing with Roast Beast).
- How to use the Grinch’s secret to find daily gratitude in your garden.
- Fun ways to enjoy your garden besides just eating your new harvest
Day 5: Discover what Mufasa from Lian King can teach you about gardening.
In this replay you will discover how to continue your winter garden adventure:
- Exactly what to do now that you’ve completed your first 5-day adventure
- How to keep up your momentum from the last 5 days to grow even more
- Why it gets easier from here (and my recommendation for additional resources)
- How to decide on your next vegetable to grow (there is more than one right answer)
- An extra special invite to help you get to the next level with help from my team
Now you have seen a few of the lessons you’ll get inside our Winter Gardening program! Maybe you’ve decided to join us!
Just in case you haven’t though, here’s just a short list of the modules you’ll get inside the course…
- The Winter Gardening Mindset for Maximum Yield and Minimum Work
- Outdoor Winter Gardening: Leveraging Your Native Climate
- Outdoor Winter Gardening: Picking the Right Plants
- Indoor Winter Gardening: Setting Up for Success
- Indoor Winter Gardening: The Best Sprouts, Shoots and Greens