Welcome Fresh Food Hero!
Take these action steps to get off to a great start….

Important: Do not close this page until you complete these steps.

Look for your “Welcome Email”

The welcome email with all of your program details is on its way to your inbox.
Look for the subject line[Preserve & Store the Harvest] – Welcome to class!. If you do not receive your welcome email within the hour, contact Support@GrowYourOwnVegetables.org

Add us to your Email Contact List

Add stacey@growyourownvegetables.org address to your contact list. This ensures you receive important class updates. Once my email is added to your address book, send me an email. You can send me a blank message, or better yet…let me know what you hope to gain from the class.

You will receive a receipt email for your records and an email with your login details for the course webpage. 

Our awesome team is just an email away. If you have any technical questions or questions about your account, simply contact Support@GrowYourOwnVegetables.org and let us know what you need.

If you’ve taken all the action steps here… let’s get growing!

Thank you for your trust.
It is an honor to be your support and guide.
Gardening makes the planet a better place.
You are a hero in your community.

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