ย Grow Your Own Vegetables

Discover a simple 7-step system for an organic vegetable and herb garden that really GROWS. Enjoy a life full of energy and vitality!

This is your opportunity to create a gardenย you feel PROUD of in just a couple weeks… a garden that produces clean, HEALTHY FOOD nourishing your heart and soul. And suddenly, you have a simple ORGANIC lifestyle without a lot of heavy lifting.

The greatest myth in gardening is thinking there is a perfect growing season. But the reality is that growing food is a lifestyle! There is something to do ALL YEAR ROUND and why would you wait to get started.

Family Gardening

Be a part of the "GROW LOCAL" solution that is helping to reverse the effects of climate change.

Enjoy fresh organic food that NOURISHES your loved ones and provides a healthy foundation for VITALITY and LONGEVITY

Know your food is organic, NUTRIENT-RICH, and delicious at a fraction of the cost of store-bought

Taste the pride and deliciousness of YOUR HOMEGROWN FOOD

Enjoy time feeling CONNECTED to plants, seasons, and NATURE

Ask yourself...why do I want to garden? We each have our reasons that are important to us.

๐Ÿ’šย  To grow fresh healthy food your family?

๐Ÿ’šย  To save money on groceries?

๐Ÿ’šย  To gain the physical and mental benefits of gardening?

๐Ÿ’šย  To prepare for an uncertain future?

These are all great reasons! And the Grow Your Own Vegetables course is designed to help you meet these garden goals and more.

Gardener picking up a crate full of vegetables

Everything you need to succeed is in the
Grow Your Own Vegetables online course.

Take the mystery out of growing and let the seeds, soil, water, and sun do most of the work!

๐Ÿฅฆย Use a step-by-step garden guide to make decisions about your unique climate

๐Ÿฅฆ Masterย pest, disease, and weeds issues

๐Ÿฅฆย Break down the information overwhelm into simple, digestible tools that get you the best results fast

๐Ÿฅฆย Rely on surprising, simple tricks to do LESS work in the garden and get MORE Food

๐Ÿฅฆ Build your confidence and skill while avoiding expensive setbacks

๐Ÿฅฆย Watch over the shoulder of a garden guru to learn the most effective methods for getting the results you want

Your CLIMATE is perfect for growing vegetables and herbs with the right garden system. Students from SIX DIFFERENT CONTINENTS have put
Grow Your Own Vegetables to work for them...

โ€œI have been growing vegetables for 40+ years and have recently attained Master Gardener status with Oklahoma State University, but I have never used cover crops over the winter. This is the year I will start! Love your videos...your presentations explain the "why" behind the "do this."
- Kathy C.

โ€œI have been gardening vegetables for 10 years, and I've attended several workshops on composting taught by master gardeners and professional farm managers. This was the 1st time I heard the difference between the types of bin composting and the advantages of each type. I also never learned how to correct composting problems and the reason for not using meat, dairy, and fatty oils in composting. In the video, I learned the details of making compost tea and learned different ways use it. Also, I had never heard of Biochar before. This was time well spent.โ€
- Leslie R.

โ€œThe love you are passing on gives us enough information to allow every gardener to make a choice of how they want to take on their gardening adventureโ€”from beginner to more experienced gardeners. There is a gem for each to culture the love of a garden to improve the Earth.โ€
- Myriam B.

Everything you need to succeed is in this Grow Your Own Vegetables online course.

Take the mystery out of growing... let the seeds, soil, water and sun do most of the work!

๐Ÿฅฆย Use a step-by-step garden guide to make decisions about your unique climate

๐Ÿฅฆย Finally master pest, disease, and weeds issues

๐Ÿฅฆย Break down the information overwhelm into simple, digestible tools that get you the best results, fast

๐Ÿฅฆย Rely on surprising, simple tricks to do LESS work in the garden and get MORE Food

๐Ÿฅฆย Quickly build your confidence and skill while avoiding expensive setbacks

๐Ÿฅฆย Watch over the shoulder of a garden guru to learn the most effective methods for getting the results you want

Your CLIMATE is perfect for growing vegetables and herbs the right garden system. Students from SIX DIFFERENT CONTINENTS have put Grow Your Own Vegetables to work for them...

โ€œI have been growing vegetables for 40+ years, and have recently attained Master Gardener status with Oklahoma State University, but I have never used cover crops over the winter. This is the year I will start! Love your videos...your presentations explain the "why" behind the "do this."
- Kathy C.

โ€œI have been gardening vegetables for 10 years and I've attended several workshops on composting taught by master gardeners and professional farm managers. This was the 1st time I heard the difference between the types of bin composting and the advantages of each type. I also never learned how to correct composting problems and the reason for not using meat, dairy and fatty oils in composting. In the video I learned the details of making compost tea and learned different ways use it. Also I had never heard of Biochar before. This was time well spent.โ€
- Leslie R.

โ€œThe love you are passing on to give us enough information which allows every gardener to make a choice of how they want to take on their gardening adventure, from beginner to more experienced gardeners. There is a gem for each to culture the love of a garden to improve the Earth.โ€
- Myriam B.

Avoid the overwhelm. This is the step-by-step process to take you
toward garden success. Follow along and get the support you need.

Transforming your lifestyle on your own can be tricky
because you're not sure what you're doing.
Here's your seven-week journey:

Week 1 - PLACE

Making the Most of Your Climate

Start off on the right foot by identifying what makes your site unique so that you can work WITH nature. Understanding your local resources makes growing vegetables much simpler and save you precious time and money. Get to know your climate and discover how to create microclimates to extend your growing season. If you need to borrow land, you can follow our steps for finding the right landowners, setting expectations, and negotiating contracts.

Week 2 - SOIL

Healthy Plants Start with Healthy SOIL

Skip the wheelbarrow of books on soil theory. We'll give you the essentials to ensure your โ€œdirtโ€ becomes nutrient-rich SOIL. Demystify what makes soil healthy and practice the three basic things you can do to ensure long term fertility. Compare the pros and cons of various planting bed styles and choose the one that's right for you. As a bonus, there's a case study of how to remediate soil with high levels of lead.

Week 3 - COMPOST

Making Compost & Compost Teas

Composting happens! Thereโ€™s nothing to fear. It's extremely easy once you understand what's happening below the surface. Discover how to fix wet, dry, and smelly compost piles as well as speed up the composting process. Brewing compost teas and applying biochar can be a great addition to the garden as well as your first line of defense against pests and diseases. Once youโ€™ve mastered compost, proudly watch your food scraps recycle back into the soil of your garden.

Week 4 - PLANTS

Small Plot Growing & Packing In Plants

Easily plan your entire growing season with our helpful templates. Know when and how much to plant for a never-ending harvest. You will be shocked at the potential that a small space holds! Discover how to seed and transplant densely to ensure that you use every last inch of your growing space efficiently. After watching our videos, youโ€™ll plant like a pro! And because every climate is a little different, you will learn how to customize our templates specifically for YOUR needs and focus on crops that grow best in YOUR zone.

Week 5 - TIME

Fitting Gardening into Your Lifestyle

Add even more tools to your belt as we share simple ways to master garden efficiency and eliminate unnecessary work. Discover how to move your body safely for rapid vegetable cultivation and harvest so that you can practice on your own. Know exactly what to do each week and how long it will take. Your time is valuableโ€”do the things that matter! But donโ€™t say we didnโ€™t warn you! Time flies in the garden, and soon you might want to spend every day outside enjoying what youโ€™ve grown.

Week 6 - WATER

Simplifying Irrigation Systems

Soil too wet? Too dry? Never doubt yourself again as we show you a quick trick for deciding when itโ€™s the right time to water. Water is essential for vegetable plants. Analyze how much water your garden naturally receives and compare this to your vegetablesโ€™ needs. Is this the year you complete your first basic plumbing project with a rainwater harvest or drip irrigation system? You wonโ€™t believe how much work this will save you in the long run!

Week 7 - HARVEST

Harvesting & Pruning to Improve Yields

Lucky for us, plants want to grow and reproduce. Discover simple tips to promote plant growth and increase your harvest. When you have a successful gardenโ€”which you will when you follow our programโ€”you will spend at least half of your time harvesting. When it comes to harvesting, there are right and wrong ways of doing it. We'll show you exactly how to get the freshest, most flavorful vegetables on your table safely and efficiently.


Containers, Trays, Sprouts, and MORE!

Take growing to a whole new level. You will understand how to significantly increase your yield growing successions of greens in containers, trays, and sprouts and learn about greenhouses. Get ready for some serious harvests! Plus you'll have a chance to suggest special topics that will help make YOUR garden even more successful.

The most costly mistakes that can kill your plants are the things you don't know...and can't see. Join these successful gardeners now to receive the help you need.

โ€œI didn't know there were garden systems. I could barely tell the difference between potting soil, compos,t and mulch! I didn't know anything about setting up an irrigation system. I thought those were for fancy lawns. So here I am now with raised garden boxes, planted with some great stuff, and Iโ€™ve installed a drip irrigation system.โ€ - Patti

โ€œThe tips and explanations given in the Joyful Gardener will definitely save time and be rewarding for the harvest. One example is the "Chop and Drop" method of soil mulching. I had not heard anyone explain that concept as understandably.โ€ - Ken A.

โ€œI am genuinely impressed with your presentation. Just as you teach us to densely pack our gardens, you have also densely packed this course with information. The clear descriptions, videos, and slides have helped me a lot to actually understand everything. But even more than that, the instructor's smiling face and happy sparkling eyes have contagiously convinced me that gardening really can be a joyful experience!โ€ - Vandya S.

โ€œHow big of a difference just one of this course's ideas has made! I implemented the harvest log idea, and it is helping us figure out when the different fruits and vegetables are all ripe throughout the year. We use this information to even out our production as we rotate crops throughout the year.โ€ - David

โ€œI have been gardening for years, but I have learned many new skills. One is that I have been harvesting "greens" wrong and wasting a lot of greens. I also never knew how to prune tomatoes and cucumbers.โ€ - Linda C.

As a special treat when you enroll TODAY,
receive immediate access to these bonuses...

Grow Your Own Vegetables has some major benefits to consider…

  • Using Bonus #1, it’s possible that you can grow enough vegetables in the first 40 days to cover the investment of this course. That makes this course FREE!
  • Hourly, in-person consulting fees would run you $2,800+ to get a garden started. And that’s just the set up! Because Iโ€™m teaching this course online with hundreds of students, you benefit from a significant discount.
  • This course is equal to at least 20 live workshops… maybe more. Running the numbers, that’s $19.85 for each workshop. Unlike any live workshops, however, youโ€™ll always have complete notes and videos you can come back to again and again.

TODAY only $297

More success stories from students just like you
all around the world...

โ€œYour class was transformational! I am growing so much more vegetables and have a plan of action.โ€ - Laura

"Your course format has been outstanding. The visual aids really helped me understand and use the information." - Judy

โ€œI really got a lot out of the garden calendar and tasks. This has really helped me feel it is OK to walk away from the garden after 30 minutes work for the day. I don't feel so overwhelmed. And Iโ€™m amazed at how quickly my compost now decomposes according to this calendar.โ€ - Sue

โ€œI have an awesome garden thanks to you. I harvested 6 pounds of peas last week and 5 pounds of string beans last night. I feel GREAT thanks to you. Please know your work is having great benefit to us beginners. Peace and carrots.โ€ - Carol (U.S.)

โ€œAlthough I've been gardening all my life, I'm learning tips and tricks I hadn't considered before. Thanks!โ€ - Rianna

"The instructor speaks to issues and details most videos gloss over or omit. Furthermore, she has the ability to make complex topics easily understood and quickly implementedโ€”a true gift. Your course is invaluable. I find myself reviewing the class videos as the gardening season progresses. Thank you for making gardening and fresh organic food available to young and oldโ€”on both large and small plots of ground. Anyone can do this!" - Charlotte (North Carolina, U.S.)

"Thank you for answering my questions so thoroughly, especially the one about how much of each crop to grow. Truly, your course is the best ever, and I will recommend it to everyone who is learning to garden. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" - Ann (Oregon, U.S.)

"The biggest impact for me is having a better sense of confidence that I can grow organic produce successfully and also the knowledge that I have a safety net if I have questions or problems in the future as an alumni who still has access to question/answer sessions. At this point, I feel it was definitely money well spent." - Michele (North Carolina, U.S.)

You're covered by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I will assume all risk with my 100% 60-day total satisfaction guarantee. Hundreds of people like you have invested in my training programs over the past three years. Iโ€™m confident that if you apply yourself and work the program, you will be thrilled. On the small chance this doesnโ€™t work for you, you can get a full refund within 60-days of your purchase. No hassles.

Immediately when you sign up, you receive access to the first lessonย plus my How to Grow $400 in 40 Days bonus to get you started growing your best harvest yet!ย 

Yield Disclaimer

We are never going to tell you that growing food is easy. It requires some elbow grease, knowledge, commitment, and a smile from Mother Nature in the form of favorable growing conditions. Grow Your Own Vegetables' programs are intended to help you manage the uncertainties of nature and improve your chances for a successful harvest, but you have to do the work to get the harvests. We can support YOU by giving great content, direction, and strategies that move you forward. Any resource budget numbers referenced on this site are estimates. Your local conditions WILL vary. We share these numbers for illustrative purposes only and like to believe that everyone can learn to grow food if they are really committed. The truth is that your yield is related to your experience and increases when you stick with it. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.
- Grow Your Own Vegetables, LLC

Meet Your Instructor

Master Garden Instructor Stacey Murphy helps gardeners grow lots of food in small spaces so that they can enjoy fresh, affordable vegetables while creating a more sustainable future. Stacey is a garden geek, growing food since 1979. Her superpower is packingโ€”literallyโ€”tons of food into tight spaces.

Dozens of her students have gone on to start their own homesteads, gardens, and farms. Featured on Martha Stewart Radio and PBSโ€™s Growing a Greener World, Stacey believes growing food organically is the best health plan for people, communities, and the Earth.

Stacey Murphy

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